Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Jigsaw Puzzle


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1. Quality Time – Putting jigsaw puzzles together with friends and family is a great way to bond and catch up on old times. Going over to grandma’s house? Bring a jigsaw puzzle with you! Putting a puzzle together is a great activity to share with someone else. Form a connection with others by working on a puzzle as a team, it will bring everyone involved closer together and lots of shared enjoyment!

2. Save money! With the state of the economy, who isn’t looking to save a couple bucks? If you’re bored, instead of going to the mall or the movies stay in and work on a puzzle. When boredom settles in, people tend to buy things they really don’t need. Jigsaw puzzles don’t cost very much and they last a long time, you will be saving on gas and putting your brain to good use. Pick a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, they’re sure to last more than a day and if you get tired you can always pick up where you left off. Honestly, you’ll be surprised at how much money you save.

3. Work that Brain! Working on a jigsaw puzzle is proven to stimulate brain function. Jigsaw puzzles will improve coordination, help develop your ability to analyze, reason, sequence, deduce, and will develop short term memory, the logical thought process, and problem solving skills. When you’re putting a puzzle together, your brain is retaining information on colors, shapes, and what kinds of pieces you’re searching for to complete the picture puzzle. These skills you’re developing while working on a jigsaw puzzle will enhance overall brain function and will allow you to get better and better over time.

4. Relieve Stress - Piecing together a jigsaw puzzle will help settle the mind. When life gets too complicated, take a break and work on a jigsaw puzzle. Focusing your mind on a jigsaw puzzle will reduce anxiety and provide temporary relief from life’s problems.

5. Wall Art - A finished jigsaw puzzle makes great wall décor. When you have completed your jigsaw puzzle, glue it together. Puzzle glue is very affordable, easy to apply, and often only takes one or two coats. Once your puzzle has dried, mount it to wall using adhesive foam or poster tape. Your puzzle will be enjoyed by everyone and makes a great conversation piece.

6. Age doesn’t matter! In the world of jigsaw puzzles it doesn’t matter if you just turned 5 or you’re nearing 80 years of age, jigsaw puzzles come in every shape and size. One might find a 500 piece puzzle challenging, while another likes the more difficult 1000 piece puzzle. Kids puzzles under 50 pieces offer just the right amount of challenge. The more pieces the longer it takes, its all about preference!

7. The Gift that Keeps on Giving! Jigsaw puzzles can be enjoyed by everyone no matter what their interest may be. Pick up a scenic Horse Puzzle for your daughter who loves to ride, the Liberty Puzzle for your friend who is moving to NYC, a Harley Davidson Puzzle for your husband who really wants that bike, whatever the occasion, you will be able to find something for everyone.

8. Reward Yourself – Completing a challenging jigsaw puzzle will give you the sense of accomplishment. Successfully putting puzzle pieces together encourages the production of dopamine in the brain, enhancing the overall feeling of happiness and well-being.

9. Healing & Spirituality – A study by USA Today states, those who participate in leisure activities such as jigsaw puzzling decrease their chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease by one third! Turning jigsaw puzzles into a hobby will increase your quality of life and decrease chances of illness.

10. Timeless Hobby - Jigsaw puzzles never lose their value. You can put together a jigsaw puzzle time after time and still find it just as challenging as the first time. When you’re finished, put it away for the next time or pass it on to someone else who can enjoy it.


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